Research Services


"They understand your business, quickly and in more detail than many inside your company, and provide solutions that move your business forward."  - Rob Haynes, former Director of Global Research, Merck, Schering-Plough and Santen


Market research that doesn’t just deliver deep insight, doesn’t just achieve the research objectives, but drives business results. That’s what we do at The Seidewitz Group. Projects are led by consultants with leadership experience from world class marketing companies, and executed flawlessly by our dedicated research management staff. Our final report will go past presenting findings to assess business implications and make specific recommendations. Optional workshops and best practice consulting are available to help socialize findings and optimize implementation.


High Value Business Model

Our business model is unique in the industry, and gives us cutting edge research capabilities with high efficiency.

  • Dedicated, full-time research/project management staff handles execution of all projects.

  • Network of consultants and global partners, thoroughly trained in The Seidewitz Group’s approaches and methodologies, provides a nimble organization that can scale up or down as needed.

  • Low overhead, virtual business structure keeps us cost competitive with all market-leading research firms.


High Stakes, High Speed


Global Capabilities

We provide full service planning, execution and reporting for qualitative and quantitative research, across consumer, B2B and health care professional audiences. And for every project, we bring our unique perspective: challenging conventional market research practices to make sure we apply the best methodology for your unique business needs.

Qualitative capabilities include in-person, phone, online, instant chat, message board, in-home/in-business, remote user testing and mobile ethnography research. Our moderators are trained in projective techniques, emotional laddering, stimuli testing, standard verbal questioning and The Seidewitz Group’s proprietary applied neuroscience methodologies.

Quantitative capabilities include custom surveys, concept testing, copy testing, price elasticity/pricing optimization, segmentation, volumetric forecasting and advanced analytics (discrete choice modeling, MaxDiff testing).


Three big "Watch Outs" for applying research findings to the real world


Applied Neuroscience

Research firms these days use EEGs, MRIs, CAT scans and eye tracking to try to understand what’s going on in people’s brains. The problem is, what do you do with this information? Most “neuro-research" is expensive, academic and difficult to apply. The Seidewitz Group bridges the gap between neuroscience and business decisions. Using the science of memory and motivation, our applied neuroscience techniques uncover the unspoken needs and perceptions that can be applied directly to marketing and business strategy.

  • Context Storytelling™ - Adapted from the eyewitness interviewing technique the Cognitive Interview. Uses context restoration to improve recall of customer experiences and purchase decisions.
  • Visual Laddering™ - Stimulates multiple brain systems to uncover implicit motivations.
  • Context Laddering™ - Combines Context Storytelling and emotional laddering to uncover emotional purchase drivers.
  • Ethnographic Laddering™ - Combines observation and emotional laddering to uncover functional and emotional needs.

Getting Inside Physicians’ Heads

How to get past what customers say to what
really drives decisions